
10 Steps to Achieve Digital Transformation in Manufacturing

10 Steps to Achieve Digital Transformation in Manufacturing
Managing Director
10 Steps to Achieve Digital Transformation in Manufacturing

Do you know the secret to successfully modernising your manufacturing processes? The key lies in digital transformation in manufacturing. In a rapidly evolving business world, staying ahead of the competition is crucial; this transformation is your gateway to success. 

Imagine transforming your production line: slashing costs, boosting efficiency, and embracing the power of automation and innovative technologies. Digital transformation turns these goals into tangible results. 

Many firms struggle with manual operations, disconnected data, and archaic tech systems. Fortunately, digitalisation offers a powerful solution to these prevalent issues. In this blog, we will guide you through the essential steps to achieve successful digital transformation in manufacturing. 

What is digital transformation in manufacturing? Definition and roles

What is digital transformation in manufacturing? 

Digital transformation in manufacturing is integrating digital technology into all areas of manufacturing, fundamentally changing how you operate your supply chain and deliver value to customers. It's not just about upgrading old technology; it's a complete overhaul, rethinking old operating models to drive innovation and efficiency.

This transformation involves using advanced and new technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and robotics to streamline processes. Imagine your factory floor: machines are interconnected, communicating in real-time, predicting maintenance needs, and reducing downtime. You can monitor and control operations remotely, with real-time data enhancing decision-making and efficiency.

What are the main areas of digital transformation?

Four main areas of digital transformation

Embarking on a digital transformation journey can be a game-changer for your business. Here are four main areas where this transformation takes place, each critical in its own right.

Process transformation

This is one of the main areas in digital transformation in manufacturing that's all about changing the way you do things. Think of your daily business operations, whether it's manufacturing, customer service, or sales.

Process transformation involves integrating digital technology to make these processes more efficient. For example, using automation tools in your production line speeds up the workflow and reduces the chance of human error. 

Business model transformation

This goes deeper than just tweaking how things are done; it's about changing the very essence of your business. Imagine transitioning from a traditional storefront to an online platform, offering your products or services digitally.

It's a complete shift, in terms of digital transformation in manufacturing, in how you generate revenue and interact with your customers. Companies are now embracing subscription models or offering digital services in addition to their physical products, effectively transforming their entire business model to align with the digital age.

Domain transformation

This is where businesses expand or shift into new digital sectors or markets. It could be a traditional retail company venturing into e-commerce or a manufacturing firm integrating IoT (Internet of Things) into their products to offer smart solutions.

Domain transformation helps manufacturers explore new territories and opportunities that were previously unreachable without digital technologies.

Cultural/organisational transformation

This is arguably the most crucial yet challenging part of digital transformation in manufacturing. It's about nurturing a digital culture within your organisation.

This transformation requires a shift in mindset, encouraging innovation, agility, and a willingness to adapt to new ways of working. It involves training your staff, altering your company's structure to support digital initiatives, and fostering an environment where digital-first thinking is the norm. 

Six stages of digital transformation for businesses

What are the six stages of successful digital transformation in the manufacturing industry? 

Like it or not, digital transformation in manufacturing is a progressive journey divided into six distinct stages. Let’s walk through each of these stages, helping you to understand where your business might stand and how to navigate the next steps.

Business as usual

At the 'business as usual' stage, your business operates in its traditional manner. Digital technology might be utilised, but it's often in a limited and compartmentalised way. This stage is comfortable and familiar, yet it might lag in innovation. Digital tools are used, but not strategically, and the company culture hasn’t fully embraced the digital shift.

Present and active

Progressing to the 'present and active' stage, there’s an awakening to the potential of digital technologies. You might start experimenting with new digital tools, initiating projects like implementing a new CRM system or launching an e-commerce site. These efforts are often reactive, responding to immediate market trends or competitive pressures rather than being part of a proactive strategy.


In the 'formalised' stage, your approach to digital transformation in manufacturing becomes more systematic. Digital initiatives are no longer experiments; they are integral to your business strategy, aiming to achieve specific objectives. This is where cross-departmental collaboration, such as between IT and marketing, begins to break down the silos seen in earlier stages.


Reaching the 'strategic' stage marks a significant transition. Digital transformation is now central to your business strategy. It’s about leveraging technology not just for incremental improvements but for driving fundamental changes in how you operate and engage with customers.


The 'converged' stage signifies a mature digital transformation phase. Digital processes are seamlessly integrated across all aspects of your business. A dedicated digital team might be in place, ensuring a unified digital strategy across the organisation, aligning technology, people, and processes towards a cohesive digital vision.

Innovative and adaptive

Finally, in the 'innovative and adaptive' stage, your business is at the forefront of the digital era. It’s characterised by continual innovation and adaptability, proactively anticipating and responding to changes in the digital landscape. This stage fosters a culture that embraces change and values agility, constantly seeking to innovate and learn.

Ways to achieve a successful digital transformation

10 steps to the digital transformation process: How to implement digital solutions

Now, let's cut to the chase: how do you achieve a successful digital transformation in manufacturing? Read the steps below, and identify what you can accomplish now. 

Step #1 Evaluate your current digital setup

Begin by thoroughly assessing your existing digital infrastructure. What technologies are currently in use, and how effectively do they serve your business objectives? This evaluation involves a deep dive into your present systems, software utilisation, and data management practices. It's about gaining a comprehensive understanding of your digital starting point.

Step #2 Set clear digital transformation objectives

What are your aspirations for digital transformation? Whether it's enhancing customer engagement, improving operational efficiency, or fostering innovation, setting precise, quantifiable objectives is crucial. These goals should dovetail with your overarching business strategy, ensuring that digital transformation efforts propel your broader business goals.

Step #3 Craft a strategic roadmap

With clearly defined objectives, it's time to develop a strategic plan for your digital transformation in manufacturing. This roadmap should detail the necessary steps to achieve your digital transformation aims, including timelines, key milestones, and the identification of required technological updates or introductions. It's about plotting a path that is both ambitious and achievable.

Step #4 Secure organisational commitment

Digital transformation transcends the IT department; it necessitates company-wide engagement. Ensure you communicate the transformation's significance and benefits across your organisation. Securing buy-in from all levels of stakeholders eases implementation and fosters a cohesive approach. This involves open communication, addressing any apprehensions, and involving various teams in the planning phase.

Step #5 Choose appropriate technologies

Selecting suitable technologies is pivotal. This choice should be driven by your digital aims and business needs. Be it cloud computing, AI, IoT, or other digital solutions, the technology must align with your objectives and seamlessly integrate with existing systems.

Step #6 Implement incrementally

Execute your digital transformation in manufacturing in manageable stages. This phased approach minimises disruption and allows for necessary adjustments. Start with smaller pilot projects or specific departments before extending changes across the entire organisation. This method also aids in efficiently managing resources and budgets.

Step #7 Prioritise data and analytics

Data is central to digital transformation. Implement robust systems for effective data collection, management, and analysis. Utilising data analytics provides critical insights into customer behaviours and operational efficiencies and supports informed decision-making.

Step #8 Facilitate staff training and support

Equip your staff for the digital shift. Investing in training and development is essential to building digital capabilities within your team. This step is about empowering your employees to adapt to new tools and processes, ensuring they have the requisite support during the transition.

Step #9 Regularly monitor and adapt to changes

Digital transformation is a continuous process. Consistently monitor your progress against set objectives. Be prepared to adapt and make changes based on feedback and performance indicators. This ongoing assessment helps refine your strategy and technologies to ensure they yield the desired results.

Step #10 Cultivate a culture of ongoing improvement

Finally, foster an organisational culture that values change and constant enhancement. Digital transformation is not a finite project but an enduring journey. Promote innovation, experimentation, and a readiness to learn from both triumphs and setbacks.

Partner with the best MSP in digital transformation

Reduce costs with Serveline: Where the future of manufacturing is bright

In a world where the future of manufacturing and productivity shines bright with potential, reducing costs is a vital step towards achieving that promise. That's where Serveline steps in, your go-to expert for navigating the complex terrain of digital transformation in manufacturing.  

Since 2009, our company has been at the forefront of providing top-notch managed IT services, IT consultancy, and unified communications, all tailored to your specific business needs.

With a remarkable track record of proactive, personalised IT support and a high service level agreement compliance rate of 94%, our team is not just another IT service provider; we are a partner in your journey towards efficiency and innovation. We understand the unique challenges and opportunities within the UK business landscape, offering solutions that bring about genuine engagement and swift, efficient responses.

Contact us for more information

Partner with the best driver of digital transformation! 

Whether you're looking to automate your processes, accelerate your digital security, or revolutionise your communication systems, Serveline has the tools and the team to make it happen. It's time to realise the full potential of your data-driven business with a partner that truly understands and supports your goals. 

Contact us today at 01384 429 120 or email us at hello@serveline.co.uk, and take the first step towards a brighter, more efficient, and innovative future in manufacturing.

Frequently asked questions

What is Industry 4.0, and how is it revolutionising manufacturing?

Industry 4.0 marks a significant shift in manufacturing, integrating digital technologies like IoT and machine learning into manufacturing operations. This revolution, accelerated by the challenges of COVID-19, emphasises smart manufacturing techniques.

These advancements are not just about automation; they represent a fundamental transformation in how manufacturing companies operate. Embracing Industry 4.0 leads to increased efficiency, better data management, and enhanced production capabilities.

How can machine learning enhance manufacturing technology?

Machine learning, a cornerstone of advanced manufacturing, enables companies to analyse large data sets for improved decision-making. In the context of manufacturing technology, it plays a pivotal role in predictive maintenance and optimisation of manufacturing processes. By investing in machine learning, businesses can significantly improve efficiency and the quality of their products.

What are the benefits of digital transformation for manufacturing businesses?

The benefits of digital transformation in the manufacturing industry are multifaceted. It includes enhanced efficiency, better customer engagement, and the ability to quickly adapt to market changes. Investing in digital transformation ensures that manufacturing solutions are future-proof, fostering a digital business model that can withstand evolving industry demands.

How does cloud manufacturing contribute to the manufacturing industry?

Cloud manufacturing offers a flexible, scalable approach to managing manufacturing operations. It allows businesses to harness digital technologies to improve production processes and collaboration. This transition is a crucial part of business transformation initiatives, offering manufacturers the agility and innovation needed in a competitive market.

Can you provide examples of digital transformation in the manufacturing sector?

Examples of digital transformation in manufacturing include the integration of IoT devices for real-time monitoring, the use of AI for quality control, and the implementation of cloud-based systems for supply chain management. These transformation initiatives illustrate how digital technologies can overhaul traditional manufacturing operations.

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